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The Future of Internet Radio Is Bright
发布日期: 2012-11-22
By Corey Deitz, About.com
John, a site visitor, recently posed some questions to me about the future of Internet Radio. Here they are with my thoughts and some additional resources.
What is your opinion on the future of Internet Radio?
I think Internet Radio is as exciting an innovation as radio itself. Not only does it provide enormous variety and niche programming, but it also allows practically anyone to start up and run their own online radio station - and reach the world. Never before have so many people been so empowered with audio.
I also believe Internet Radio will slowly evolve and with the help of broadband, wireless and product development it will find it’s rightful place in the home, auto and hand-held device. The key for users will be the given ability to walk away from their personal computer - and household - and still access their favorite Internet stations. The technology is already here; it just needs natural evolution to become more embedded and more affordable.
Do you think there will be portable Internet Radio receivers? What technology will power them (cellular, satellite, wi-fi?)
There already are. A British company, PDT, recently displayed in Las Vegas their InTune200 portable Internet Radio tuner for the home. And iMuse Electronics just introduced, iAPlayer, a new home entertainment audio component that moves streaming audio and music files from your personal computer to your home stereo or entertainment system.
How much of a pain in the ass will the F.C.C be to Internet broadcasts?
At present, the F.C.C. has no contol over Internet broadcasts. These streams are not within the scope of the F.C.C.’s responsibilities
Do you think that portable Internet Radio will make satellite radio obsolete?
That’s an interesting question. I think it’s safe to say there are enough great net streams out there to satisfy anyone’s taste. Getting online radio in your home is relatively cheap but once you make some of this entertainment available to portable devices, chances are there will be some costs involved.
The easiest way to distribute Internet Radio is by satellite or through the current wireless cell phone infrastructure. But, since satellite time can be cost prohibitive, that means only a limited amount of streams would be available and inevitably, the cost would be passed along to the consumer. The same can be said about receiving Internet Radio on your cell phone or PDA. There is cost involved and bandwidth considerations. For more, please see:
Do you think that portable Internet Radio will make Clear Channel obsolete?
I doubt that. But, portable Internet Radio - and Satellite Radio - certainly add to the mix of competition that traditional, terrestrial stations have to contend with.
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